Elementor #929

IVF & IVF Gender Selection

We serve you with the highest success rates in the world. 20 years of experience in having children and choosing a gender. We are best Cyprus Fertility Clinic

IVF With Sperm Or Egg Donor

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IVF Gender Selection​

Gender Selected IVF, which has become popular in recent years, is now very easy. Want to choose your baby’s gender for “Family Balance”? With a single test, you can find out the gender of your baby before it implants in your womb.

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Sperm Or Egg Freezing

Sperm or Egg freezing is one of the services provided in our Fertility clinics. You can freeze your eggs or sperm indefinitely and use them to have babies in the future.

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Embryo Freezing

The couple choose to freeze their embryos because they want to preserve their choice to become parents later on. Factors such as cancer treatment, increased age, or risk of injury are reasons people often consider freezing.

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IVF Treatment


  • Free treatment consultation
  • Women blood tests and analysis
  • Men blood tests and analysis ( including Semen Analysis)
  • Monitoring scans
  • Egg Collection
  • Fertilizing and development of embryos
  • Embryo Transfer

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IVF Treatment ​


  • Free treatment consultation
  • Women blood tests and analysis
  • Men blood tests and analysis ( including Semen Analysis)
  • Monitoring scans
  • Egg Collection
  • Fertilizing and development of embryos
  • Embryo Transfer

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IVF Treatment ​


  • Free treatment consultation
  • Women blood tests and analysis
  • Men blood tests and analysis ( including Semen Analysis)
  • Monitoring scans
  • Egg Collection
  • Fertilizing and development of embryos
  • Embryo Transfer

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High Succes rate

About IVF and Gender Selection in Cyprus we have the high success rate

  • 20+ Years of experience

  • available 24/7, We’re here for you!

  • High Success Rate

  • Free Online Support

Join Hundreds Of Families
We Have Helped Have A Baby

“I don’t know how many tries we have. We have been trying to have a child for about 5 years. Finally they gave us a baby girl! The result was positive in my 3rd attempt here. They’re really good at this job.”

Diane Jones

They are happy

“We came here for IVF gender determination, we wanted to have a son. After our 2 daughters, we had a son thanks to this place. Many thanks to my healthcare team.”

Carl Correa

“I’ve been trying to have a baby for about 3 years. Thailand, Czech republic, India… Finally I met this place and I had to travel for treatment in Cyprus. On our 5th try, the test stick gave two lines! This news is incredible. About 3 months later, I have a birth. Thank you very much here. I can say that they are a very involved clinic.”

Leonie Vega

All About IVF & Gender Selection Questions

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When is IVF Needed?

IVF is the method of choice for those with fallopian tube difficulties, as well as for disorders including endometriosis, male factor infertility, and unexplained infertility, because it bypasses the fallopian tubes (it was originally created for women with blocked or absent fallopian tubes). A doctor can look over a patient’s medical history and direct them toward the treatments and diagnostic techniques that are most suitable for them.

Are there risks to having a baby through IVF?

It is crucial to be aware that significant birth malformations account for about 3% of all births in the general population, while minor defects account for about 6%. According to recent study, the percentage of children born after IVF who have serious birth abnormalities may range from 4 to 5%. Children born after IUI and siblings of IVF children have also been reported to have a slightly higher proportion of defects, suggesting that the risk factor in this particular patient population rather than the method used to produce conception is most likely genetic.

Do fertility hormones pose long term health risks?

Women who have never given birth seem to have a somewhat higher risk of ovarian cancer than the overall population (about 1.6 times the rate). It has been speculated that a connection between reproductive drugs and this specific cancer may exist because it is believed that many of these women have also used fertility drugs. Since this issue was initially brought up in 1992, numerous research have been done. None of them have discovered a link between fertility drugs and a higher risk of ovarian cancer or between IVF itself and a higher risk of ovarian cancer. Additionally, preliminary findings from a current National Institutes of Health study indicate no connection between fertility drugs and breast, ovarian, or uterine cancer.

Are IVF injections painful?

IVF injections have changed over time. While submuscular injection was often required, subcutaneous injection is now possible. Therefore, it would be correct to say that IVF injections are not painful.

Is the egg retrieval procedure painful?

Patients experience no pain during egg retrieval when anesthetic is utilized. A vaginal ultrasonography probe with a long, thin needle attached is inserted through the vaginal wall and into each ovary during egg retrieval, a simple operation. Each egg follicle is pierced by the needle, and the egg is then delicately suctioned out. Once the egg harvesting process is over, anesthesia soon wears off. Patients may experience some mild ovarian cramps, which can be managed with the right drugs.

How soon can out of town patients travel home after IVF treatment?

The majority of our out-of-town patients go back to their homes the day after the embryo transfer. They are not required to remain here following IVF therapy for any medical reason. Traveling in any way is secure. Long periods of sitting have little impact on pregnancy odds. We advise patients to consume plenty of fluids while flying because the circulating air can be quite dry and dehydration should be prevented.

Is IVF using up all a woman’s eggs?

Numerous potential eggs can be found in a woman’s ovaries. A single egg is chosen by the ovary each month during the natural ovulation cycle from a pool of 100–1,000 eggs. Atresia is a normal process of cell death that occurs in unselected eggs. The body’s natural selection process is circumvented when a woman utilizes fertility medicine, allowing some of these otherwise useless eggs to develop. In one cycle, up to 20 eggs may be triggered. Thus, when a woman uses fertility medication throughout the IVF process, she not only prevents the use of all of her eggs but also’rescues’ eggs that would have otherwise developed atresia.

What are the options if a woman’s own eggs are not producing a pregnancy?

Numerous ladies who would not have otherwise been able to become pregnant were now able to do so because to the availability of donor eggs. Even when a woman’s eggs might not be healthy, her uterus is typically in excellent condition and capable of supporting pregnancy. In these circumstances, in vitro fertilization using donated eggs has a high likelihood of success. This process uses the same steps as IVF, with the exception that the intended parents select a donor and generate the embryo using the donor’s egg.

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