Success Stories

Success Stories Of Families Us Worked With

Success Stories

“I will never forget the day I cried when they called me from the Fertility Center.!”

My wife and I have been together for years, but we were pursuing a career, we left having children in the background. When we thought about having a baby later and decided on it, we were very disappointed. We started trying to have children in 2018. After months of struggle, the COVID pandemic in March 2019 caused disruptions in treatments. When we were able to restart treatment in June 2020 and failed IUIs, we gradually lost hope. During our next IUI cycle, my body responded to the treatment, we were given two choices: exit the cycle or switch to IVF. I was scared and had to make a quick decision.  This fear was guided by the support of my wife and we decided to have IVF treatment. Still, the possibility of egg retrieval, embryo implantation, and a failed outcome blew me away. I just acted with hope and belief that this cycle would be successful. I remember the fertility center calling me and telling me that IVF was successful! I calmed down crying on the toilet at work. Then I called my husband and told him this wonderful news. Our fertility center was with us every step of our journey. I can still hear the excitement in their voices when they call me. Almost two years later, we were going to have our baby!

Anna, Mom to 1 -years old Emma

“Having a child without a Husband.. Every woman should be aware of her power!”

I moved to India for my job in 2014. During the extensive visa process, a Indian doctor diagnosed my uterine fibroids and suggested that I consider taking action if I wanted to become a mother. I was in my early 30s and wasn’t worried at all. The doctor’s recommendation aroused my curiosity and I began to explore having children on my own without a partner. I spent the next four years making up my mind, and then officially started the process when I got back to the states for my “dream job” as a middle school special education teacher. After all the planning and insurance and proving that I am a good candidate, I succeeded in my first round of IVF after four failed IUIs. I created three healthy embryos and now I have my daughter, Saria, 39 years old, born in early 2022!

Elizabeth, Mom to 6 -month old Lori

“Our only dream was to have a boy. So the only method we considered was PGD. Before making our final decision, I asked my priest what he thought, and he said he wouldn’t have given us such information if God had not wanted it that way.”
Jessica, Mom to 1 year old Jordan
“I had given up hope of having a baby. I remember crying with happiness when my IVF results told me I was going to have twins. I’m not sure I would have even had one baby if you hadn’t convinced me to choose an Experienced and Advanced fertility center.”
Andrea, Mom to 8-month old Beverly & Michael

“I Was About To Make Sure That Having A Baby Would Be A Dream.”

Chris and Polina, 40 years old, married for 13 years and living in Germany, cannot have children in the normal way. Chris is diagnosed with advanced OAT when they apply for a doctor to pass the checks. Tube baby treatment is recommended so that the couple can have children. The couple who tried 3 Tube baby treatments cannot get a positive result from these trials. After these failed trials, the couple who have been financially and spiritually worn apply to our clinic. Treatment is started after the necessary tests have been performed in our clinic. Polina is given the Immunity vaccine (Lymphocyte vaccine) for three months, once a month, due to her age and repeated failed tube baby trials. Tube baby treatment is switched. IMSI technique, Microinjection Type Tube baby, Laser Cutter and Blastocyst Transfer. The first practice in our clinic is to have a pregnancy. After a healthy pregnancy, they have a boy. They’re enjoying a happy family with their son right now.​

“I Don’t Know Why I Waited So Long. Help Here Changed My Life!”

David and Martina have been married for eight years. The couple who couldn’t have children in the normal way applied to our clinic. Martina, 35, was diagnosed with early menopause and David was diagnosed with OAT. Treatment program was started after the required tests were performed. 3 eggs were obtained after the ovulation treatment. A healthy embryo was obtained by applying Preimplantation genetic Diagnosis (PGT) to the patient. The news was finally here, and Martina was pregnant. A boy was born healthy in this family. After seven years, the family was happy to be a parent.

Angela, Mom to 9-month old Emma

”Best Decision I’ve Made In My Life! ”

10-year-old Emily and Alexandre, 34, applied to our clinic with 3 failed test tubes and 2 low stories. Our patient was desperate for her to lose her babies twice after she got pregnant, and her hope and despair had been repeated. The final techniques for tube baby treatment were applied as a result of detailed examination in our clinic, with three failed tube baby trials and twin gestational due to laser-flurching and Blastocyst transfer. Emily and Alexandre, who entered the New year with twin girls, are happy to be a family of four.

Elizabeth, Mom to 4-month old Lori

“Having a Baby is Not a Dream! I have experienced this”

Sara and Marco have been married for 9 years. They applied to our clinic with the diagnosis of hypogonadotropic hypogonadism (innate hormone deficiency), diagnosed in Sara. They tried microinjection-type tube baby treatments 3 times before they came to our double clinic. In these applications, healthy eggs were not obtained from Sara, and the patient was offered a donation treatment. For hypogonadotropic hypogonadism patients, FSH, LH hormones must be used. First of all, her menstrual disorder has been cured. After the embryos are placed in the womb, the supplementations are different from other tube baby treatments. This was taken care of in the treatment. Sara was injected with lymphocytes in our clinic before she was treated for microinjection type tube baby. In the treatment, IMSI techniques were applied with a laser to bud. Blastocyst transfer made. After 10 days of exciting waiting, when they found out they were expecting twin babies, the worlds were theirs. After a healthy pregnancy, Sara and Marco became a boy and a father of a girl. After 9 years, they enjoy being a large family.

“Having A Child Without A Husband.. Every Woman Should Be Aware Of Her Power!”

I moved to India for my job in 2014. During the extensive visa process, a Indian doctor diagnosed my uterine fibroids and suggested that I consider taking action if I wanted to become a mother. I was in my early 30s and wasn’t worried at all. The doctor’s recommendation aroused my curiosity and I began to explore having children on my own without a partner. I spent the next four years making up my mind, and then officially started the process when I got back to the states for my “dream job” as a middle school special education teacher. After all the planning and insurance and proving that I am a good candidate, I succeeded in my first round of IVF after four failed IUIs. I created three healthy embryos and now I have my daughter, Saria, 39 years old, born in early 2022!