BlogCyprus IVF Treatment

How Much Does IVF Cost in the USA?

Millions of American families struggle with infertility issues each year. But for many, infertility treatments, including in vitro fertilization (IVF), is out of reach due to the high expenses.

How Does IVF Work?

IVF is one of the most widely used and effective fertility treatments available across the world.

During IVF treatment, fertility specialists extract the eggs from the woman’s ovaries and fertilize them with sperm in a lab. After a few days of growth, the fertilized embryo or embryos are inspected for their health. Then, the embryos are implanted into the uterus of a mother. If the embryos successfully implant, the pregnancy begins. The entire procedure typically takes around three to five weeks.

How Expensive Is IVF in the USA?

America is one of the most expensive places for IVF treatments. A single IVF cycle costs around $12,000 on average in fertility clinics across the US. This cost frequently excludes the required fertility medications and tests, which can add thousands of dollars to each cycle to the final sum. When all expenses are combined, it is not unheard of that couples or individuals pay up to $22,000-$25,000 per IVF cycle.

You can expect to pay extra if you need to use an egg or sperm donor, want genetic testing, or need other specialized fertility care.

For many people, IVF doesn’t work the first time. In fact, most people need to undergo a second, third, or even fourth IVF cycle before they can achieve a successful pregnancy. By this logic, patients who undergo multiple IVF cycles in the USA should be prepared to pay more than $50,000.

Naturally, these prices are way above what many households can afford. It is also important to note that once a successful pregnancy is achieved, other expenses related to pregnancy and hospital delivery will come up as well.

What Are the Cheapest States for IVF in the USA?

As IVF prices are very expensive in America, a great number of couples or individuals cross state borders every year to travel to more affordable fertility clinics.

The availability and pricing of fertility treatments can change depending on where you are in America. Unfortunately, it is difficult to pinpoint the cheapest states for IVF because prices depend on the policies of each clinic as much as on the location. Every state will have cheaper and more expensive clinics. The challenge is to find a reputable clinic with affordable fees. However, it is important to state that prices across America are high on average.

Does Insurance Cover IVF in the USA?

Health insurance coverage for IVF in America can be very complicated. This is because each state has its own regulations concerning fertility treatments.

As of this year, there are 20 states have mandate laws stating that insurance firms should cover fertility treatments. Around half of these states explicitly state that health insurance companies must provide coverage for IVF treatment.

However, these mandates have a lot of limitations. Even in states where insurances cover fertility treatments, this is not accessible to many people. In fact, the cost of the treatment isn’t covered by insurance at all for many women. The majority of women who have IVF treatment in America have to pay for everything out of pocket, or pay for the treatment with a credit card.

Insurance coverage for IVF usually has a lifetime limit for how many IVF cycles patients can have or a budget limit. As a result, insurance coverage is not enough most of the time, even for people who are eligible.

What State Has the Best IVF Coverage in America?

Only 20 states listed below out of the 50 mandate insurance coverage for fertility treatments.

  • Arkansas
  • California
  • Colorado
  • Connecticut
  • Delaware
  • Hawaii
  • Illinois
  • Louisiana
  • Maine
  • Maryland
  • Massachusetts
  • Montana
  • New Hampshire
  • New Jersey
  • New York
  • Ohio
  • Rhode Island
  • Texas
  • Utah
  • West Virginia

Currently, 10 states offer comprehensive IVF mandates requiring insurance companies to provide coverage for the cost of IVF. These states are; Connecticut, Colorado, Delaware, Illinois, Maine, Massachusetts, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, and Rhode Island. These states can be considered to be the best places to receive fertility treatments in the United States.

Does My Health Insurance Plan Cover Fertility Treatments in the USA?

If you are currently in one of the states that mandate insurance coverage for fertility treatments, you might be eligible to benefit from insurance funding. If you are not sure about the conditions of your insurance plan, you will need to research online or reach out to a representative to learn more about which treatments your insurance provides and whether your insurance will cover IVF as well. Make sure to ask about the limitations of your insurance.

How Much Does IVF Cost in Texas?

Cities such as Houston and Dallas in Texas can offer more manageable prices for fertility treatments. A basic IVF cycle in Texas can cost around $10,000. The price will vary from family to family and go up if any additional fertility treatments are needed.

How Much Does IVF Cost in California?

IVF prices typically start from $12,000 in Californian cities such as Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Sacramento.

Insurance companies in California are not required to cover infertility treatments, but they can offer employers to include them. Moreover, IVF is not covered by insurance in the state of California. There are health plans that voluntarily pay for in vitro fertilization costs in California as well. But, it is up to the employers to decide whether they want to provide additional benefits to their employees.

How Much Do Donor Eggs Cost in the US?

IVF using egg donation is a helpful alternative for female infertility. In the United States, if you use a donated egg for your IVF cycle, in addition to any prescription costs for your individual expenses, you will also be responsible for the donor’s medication costs. Depending on where you have your fertility treatments, you need to be ready to pay these extra expenses which could total between $10,000 and $15,000. Unfortunately, egg donation is not often covered by US insurance plans.

Can You Select Your Baby’s Gender during IVF in the United States?

Gender selection, also referred to as sex selection, lets future parents choose the genetic sex of the child, boy or girl, before pregnancy. This is possible with genetic testing on embryo cells during IVF treatment. People may wish to select the sex of their baby for a variety of medical or personal reasons.

IVF gender selection is available in only a number of countries, including the United States. However, it can be unavailable depending on the state or fertility clinic.

Best Countries for IVF outside America

Reproductive tourism, or fertility tourism, is the act of traveling overseas for fertility treatment. Because of how expensive IVF treatment is in America, a growing number of families seek to get fertility treatments abroad each year.

Some of the well-visited countries for fertility tourism by Americans are Cyprus, Thailand, and Denmark. The biggest reason behind getting fertility treatments abroad is the affordability of treatments. Usually, people traveling from the United States only pay a fraction of the money they would have to pay normally. Getting IVF abroad can be more budget-friendly, even with the extra travel and accommodation expenses.

Best IVF Clinics in Cyprus

Cyprus is one of the most well-liked locations for IVF procedures among international patients. IVF is one of Cyprus’s largest industries, and over the past ten years, the nation has established a reputation as one of the world’s best destinations for fertility treatments.

In addition to additional treatments like IVF, fertility clinics in Cyprus provide egg donation, sperm donation, embryo donation, egg donation, sperm donation, embryo freezing, and gender selection along with other fertility treatments.

Modern medical technology is available in Cyprus’ facilities, and the country’s medical team is all made up of specialists with years of experience treating patients from all over the world including the States.

Best Prices for IVF in Cyprus

Cyprus also offers some of the most competitive and affordable prices concerning fertility treatments.

Treatments in CyprusPrices in €
Basic IVF€4,000
IVF with Oosit Freezing€4,000
IVF with Sperm Donation€5,500
IVF with Egg Donation€6,500
IVF with Embryo Donation€7,500
IVF + Gender Selection€7,500
IVF with Sperm Donation + Gender Selection     €8,500
IVF with Egg Donation + Gender Selection€9,500
IVF with Embryo Donation + Gender Selection€11,000
Embryo Freezing (yearly fee)€1,000
Sperm Freezing (yearly fee)€750

Moreover, fertility clinics in Cyprus offer additional package prices that include all services such as accommodation at the best 5-star hotels in Cyprus and all transfers between the airport, hotel, and clinic among other services.

If you are looking for better prices for IVF treatments, you can consider traveling abroad to countries such as Cyprus. We are working with some of the most recognized IVF clinics in Cyprus offering the best prices. We invite you to get in touch with us with all your questions about the prices and the process in Cyprus.

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