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IVF Gender Selection and Fertility Centres in Bangkok, Thailand

Today, there are fertility treatments that can help couples who are having trouble conceiving. One of these well-known treatments is IVF. It is even possible to determine the sex of the baby with gender selection treatments combined with IVF.

In this article, we’ll take a look at Bangkok, the capital of Thailand, which is one of the most visited destinations worldwide for IVF and gender selection treatments.

IVF: What is it?

IVF, which stands for “in vitro fertilization”, is a well-known Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) method. The term “in vitro” refers to the method used in laboratories to combine sperm and eggs in a glass dish.

Couples with problems getting pregnant can use IVF to increase their chances of a successful pregnancy and a healthy baby. There are several reasons a couple might need to use IVF. These include male or female infertility as well as infertility caused by aging.

In an IVF procedure, eggs from the female’s ovaries are retrieved and fertilized with sperm outside of the body. The two techniques for fertilizing the eggs are artificial insemination and intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), in which the sperm is placed in the fluid around the eggs during artificial insemination in a lab setting. The acceptable sperm of the father or a donor may be used at this stage. Embryos are created from fertilized eggs. The healthiest embryos are chosen for implantation in the woman’s uterus, and their development in the womb is closely monitored.

How Does IVF Gender Selection Work?

Have you heard that during IVF, it is possible to identify an embryo’s gender before the embryo is implanted in the uterus? A technique called pre-implantation genetic diagnostic (PGD) is used to determine whether the embryo has any genetic flaws that could lead to issues later in life. It can also be used to determine an embryo’s sex before the eggs are placed in the womb.

Families may want to know the gender of their unborn child for a variety of reasons. “Family balancing,” or having an equal number of male and female family members, is one of the most popular explanations. Additionally, parents may want to have a child of the same sex if they lose a child due to health issues or accidents.

Couples who run the risk of transferring genetic problems to their offspring can benefit from gender selection, also called sex selection, as a treatment. Some genetic diseases are specific to either boys or girls. If the parents are aware that they run the risk of passing genetic illnesses to either gender, they may choose to have a baby of the opposite gender in order to reduce or eliminate this risk.

Why You Should Go to Thailand for IVF Gender Selection

Thailand’s high-quality healthcare has been recognized worldwide for years. The country invests a significant amount in the medical sector. Thanks to these investments, Thailand has become one of the most medically advanced countries in the world. More than a million foreigners come to Thailand for medical and surgical procedures each year. With so many people visiting medical facilities in Thailand each year, healthcare professionals and service industry workers are highly experienced in meeting the needs of international patients.

Of course, Thailand’s reputation as a top destination for medical tourists is largely due to the low cost of care. Many procedures, including IVF and gender selection, cost between 40 and 70 percent less than those provided in Western nations. Couples can save a lot of money by receiving IVF treatment in Thailand because it may take several IVF rounds to successfully conceive and the expenses could quickly add up.

The possibility of taking a vacation in Thailand is another factor for traveling to Thailand for fertility treatments. Every year, a large number of medical tourists travel to the country, but millions of regular tourists also visit its breathtaking cities, like Bangkok, Phuket, Chiang Mai, and Pattaya. If you get gender selection and IVF treatments in Thailand, you don’t have to spend every waking moment in a facility. You’ll have plenty of time to explore the interesting Thai culture, see historic and natural sites, savor a variety of delectable cuisines, and mingle with the welcoming locals. The savings on medical care can be used to cover all expenses.

Finally, the availability of gender selection treatment is the primary factor in choosing Thailand. Only a small number of nations in the world, including Thailand, allow for gender selection, therefore many couples travel there because they can’t get the same treatment elsewhere.

Bangkok Fertility Centers

Bangkok, the country’s capital, is home to a large number of public and private hospitals and clinics, making it the medical hub of Thailand. The city is home to some of Southeast Asia’s biggest hospitals, which provide all kinds of procedures, including gender selection and IVF.

Given that it has some of the best medical facilities and a workforce of highly qualified medical professionals, Bangkok is a popular location for medical tourism. Numerous reputable medical facilities with good success rates for IVF and gender selection can be found in Bangkok. They pay close attention to the needs of each pair, carefully reviewing the patient’s medical history and going over every step of the IVF and gender selection process.

In order to get the best results and raise the success rate, they work to optimize every step of the IVF process. Many of Asia’s most experienced and well-equipped infertility clinics are located in Bangkok, helping thousands of couples achieve their goals.

Bangkok IVF Gender Selection Costs

Many medical operations and treatments are far less expensive in Thailand than they would be in western countries like European countries, Australia, or the United States. At the moment, IVF treatment packages cost roughly €6,800 in Thailand’s fertility clinics.

The total cost of IVF combined with gender selection would be around €12,000. Accommodations and transportation between the airport, hotel, and fertility clinic are services offered as part of package arrangements.

You can get in touch with us for a free consultation and additional details regarding gender selection and IVF procedures in Bangkok. We provide discounted rates at some of Bangkok’s most reputable reproductive clinics, and we can assist you in organizing your treatment schedule and itinerary. For more detailed information about the treatment, you can contact us 24/7. Our advisors will be waiting to answer the questions you have in mind.

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