IVF Blog

IVF Gender Selection: Pros and Cons

In vitro fertilization (IVF) is a medical procedure that allows couples who are having trouble conceiving a child to have a greater chance of starting a family. One of the advantages of IVF is that it allows for gender selection, which has both pros and cons.

Pros of IVF Gender Selection:

  1. Medical Reasons: Some couples choose gender selection for medical reasons, such as a genetic condition that affects only one gender. If the couple has a high risk of having a child with a genetic condition that affects only one gender, they may choose IVF gender selection to ensure their child is born without the condition.
  2. Family Balancing: Some families choose gender selection for family balancing purposes. For example, if a couple has three boys and want to have a girl, then they might choose gender selection to increase their chances of having a girl.
  3. Psychological Reasons: For some couples, gender selection can be psychologically beneficial. For instance, if a couple is struggling to overcome infertility, gender selection can give them a sense of control over their reproductive destiny, which can be an empowering experience.

Cons of IVF Gender Selection:

  1. Ethical Concerns: Many people, including some ethicists and religious leaders, are critical of gender selection because they view it as unnatural or suggesting that one gender is more desirable than the other. They argue that natural selection determines the gender of their child, and that gender preference imposes unrealistic expectations about the child and their future abilities.
  2. Limited Choices: IVF gender selection technology is only offered by a limited number of IVF clinics for medical and family balancing purposes. Since it is a new and evolving technology, it also means that not everyone has equal access to it even if the cost is prohibitively high.
  3. Miscarriage Possibility: There is a slightly higher risk of miscarriage when having an IVF pregnancy compared to natural conception. Couples considering IVF gender selection should be informed about this increased risk.


IVF gender selection remains a controversial topic with its pros and cons to consider. Ultimately, the decision should be made based on the family’s particular circumstances and values. Couples who are considering IVF gender selection should seek counseling and guidance from an experienced healthcare provider who will provide a range of family planning options and support throughout their journey. It is up to the couple to decide whether the benefits outweigh the risks of IVF gender selection.

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