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Until what age do women get pregnant

Women of all ages can become pregnant, from teens through to the elderly. However, the longer you wait to have children, the higher the risks of giving birth to a baby with complications may be. Most women in their 20s and 30s can expect to have a safe pregnancy and delivery, while women age 35 and older may have increased risks of complications during pregnancy, such as preterm birth, low birth weight, and chromosomal abnormalities. 

In the United States, 40 percent of pregnancies are already at risk due to the increasing age of the mother. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), women age 35 and older are considered “older mothers”, and those 45 and older are classified as “advanced maternal age”. Women 45 and older are most likely to have difficulty becoming pregnant, and may also be at increased risk for miscarriage or medical complications during pregnancy and delivery. 

The CDC also recommends that women in their 20s and 30s use contraception if they are not ready to become pregnant, as it can help reduce the risks of unplanned or undesired pregnancies.

Women can get pregnant at any age, but the risks of complications may increase as they get older. It’s important to talk to your healthcare provider about your plans for having a family, so that you can receive the best advice for you and your baby’s safety.

If you want to get treatment with the highest success rates and affordable prices in IVF gender selection, you can contact us.

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