
What Should I Do For IVF Treatment To Be Successful?

Tips for Increasing the Chances of IVF Success

To achieve your goal of having children, you might need to consider in vitro fertilization. On this journey, you shouldn’t feel alone. According to research, one in eight couples must need infertility treatments including IVF, ICSI, and donated eggs to become pregnant. IVF is a popular technique for assisted reproduction in which the egg and sperm of an infertile couple are fertilized in vitro before being transferred to the mother’s womb for growth. While there is a 35% to 40% likelihood of success with IVF in women under the age of 35, this chance falls as the mother ages.

Stay At A Healthy Weight

Maintaining a healthy weight is crucial for fertility and IVF, according to experts. “We know that being obese (BMI >35) and underweight (BMI 19) influences IVF success rates,” they write. Additionally, being overweight makes it more challenging to keep track of the ovaries during IVF and raises the risk of problems during egg retrieval.

The success rate rises with IVF. According to numerous studies, adopting a Mediterranean diet six months prior to the commencement of an IVF cycle can assist enhance treatment outcomes and boost IVF success rates by between 50% and 60%. Consider the following when following a Mediterranean diet:

  • Include fresh vegetables and fruits of various colors in your diet.
  • Eat more chicken and fish protein.
  • Eat whole grains such as whole grains and quinoa.
  • Include legumes such as beans, peas and lentils in your diet.
  • Eat a balanced amount of healthy fats like avocado, olive oil and nuts.
  • Only eat red meat once a week or three to four times a month.
  • Avoid sugar and processed and prepackaged foods and use homemade foods instead.

Avoiding excessive caffeine consumption

According to some research, drinking five or more cups of coffee per day can cut your odds of having a successful IVF by as much as 50%. As a result, throughout an IVF cycle and during pregnancy, specialists advise ingesting no more than 1-2 cups of caffeinated beverages every day.

Avoid smoking and alcohol consumption

According to numerous studies, drinking alcohol and smoking diminish men’s sperm quality, which affects fertility, and harms sperm DNA, which results in health issues in the following generation. Additionally, smoking and drinking decrease the chance of embryos implanting in the uterus and sabotage pregnancies in women. Alcohol use can also have an impact on some fertility medications. As a result, both men and women who smoke and drink lessen their odds of having a successful IVF.

A regular sleep

Numerous bodily functions and organs are repaired as you sleep at night. Additionally, obtaining adequate sleep improves the embryo’s chances of implanting, as well as the likelihood of a healthy pregnancy and IVF success. Because of this, infertility specialists advise that people get between 7 and 8 hours of sleep each night.

In order to improve sleep quality and raise your chances of having a successful IVF procedure, your doctor may recommend a number of drugs and nutritional supplements.

Studies reveal that resting following embryo transfer has little impact on embryo implantation, and no particular technique is advised to raise the likelihood of a good outcome. The lady should feel comfortable when sleeping, which is the sole important aspect of sleeping following fetal transfer.

Consumption of pharmaceutical supplements

Taking specific supplements can promote a healthy pregnancy and improve IVF results. One of the most crucial vitamins both before and after embryo transfer is folic acid. Pregnant women should begin taking folic acid three months before conception and fetal transfer. Folic acid promotes healthy development of the embryo and guards against brain diseases and problems with the fetal spine. Folic acid also lowers the possibility of twins.

Another dietary supplement that promotes pregnant health is vitamin D. Vitamin D insufficiency affects typically more than 40% of people, which can lower the success rate of IVF. Autism in the fetus can also be brought on by the mother’s vitamin deficit.

abstaining from sexual intercourse 3 to 4 days before sperm collection

It is advised that the guy refrain from ejaculating and engaging in sexual activity for 3–4 days prior to sperm collection during the IVF procedure. There is no evidence to suggest that having sex after embryo transfer is harmful, however deep penetration and other sexual acts that aggravate the cervix should be avoided.

Choosing the appropriate doctor and medical center

The most important point in IVF treatments was the success rates. All you need to do to increase your treatment success rate is to get treatment at a good fertility center. Otherwise, the success rate of your treatments will be standard. However, fertility centers that are interested in you and offer suggestions will also increase your chances of success. For more detailed information about the treatment, you can contact us 24/7. Our advisors will be waiting to answer the questions you have in mind.

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