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The Ninth Week Of Pregnancy

Week 9 of a pregnancy marks an important milestone, as the first trimester has come to an end and the second trimester begins. During this week, many significant changes continue to take place for both mother and baby.

For the mother, the exciting news is that the baby’s major organs and systems are now working and developing, and the risk of miscarriage is greatly reduced. Physically, the mother will likely begin to experience increased energy. Her breasts are growing larger and may start producing colostrum, the precursor to breast milk. Skin changes, including stretch marks and skin discoloration, are common.

For the baby, Week 9 marks a major new development. The baby is now able to move, although it is very small and the mother is not likely to feel it yet. The baby’s eyes, ears and nose are now fully developed, and eyelashes and eyebrows are beginning to grow. The baby’s skin is now thin enough for us to see through the ultrasound, and small hair follicles are beginning to form.

By the end of this week, the baby will be two inches long and weigh about .46 ounces. Keep in mind that all babies grow at different rates, and these measurements are just averages.

Week 9 is an important time to begin preparing for a healthy pregnancy. Eat a balanced diet of healthy, whole foods that are rich in antioxidants, vitamins and minerals to help ensure that the baby gets the right nutrients. Exercise regularly, and stay active if possible. Prepare an updated baby gear list, and begin researching doctors and hospitals if needed. And of course, don’t forget to make time to relax and enjoy the excitement of your growing baby!

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