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Week 11 of pregnancy

Week 11 of pregnancy marks an important milestone as the baby reached the end of their development in the first trimester. This week the baby will start to enter the second trimester, and continues to grow and develop quickly. During this week, the baby’s skull and brain will continue to develop, and other organs such as the lungs and intestines will begin to take shape.

At this stage in the pregnancy, the mother is likely to start feeling more relaxed and energized compared to the first trimester. As the baby continues to grow, the mother’s stomach may begin to stretch and grow larger, and she may experience lower abdominal pains which is due to the stretching. She will also be more sensitive to smells and sound, so it’s a good time for her to take some time out to rest, relax and pamper herself.

Week 11 is a great time for the parents to start thinking about the practical considerations of having a baby. Now is the time to start looking for and choosing a pediatrician and start thinking about childcare. It is also important that the mother and partner start planning for the baby’s arrival and think about the changes that may need to be made to their living situation. Shopping for baby clothes, furniture and accessories can also be done at this stage.

Most importantly, the mother should remember to take care of herself and enjoy this precious moment in her pregnancy.

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